Last year, revenues from a foreign tourism in the Czech Republic increased to four billion korunes and amounted 141,8 billions korunes. This is shown in statistic by the Czech National Bank.
Start of the last year was characterized by a sharp decrease in the number of foreign tourists (5.8%) that was caused by the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and by ruble and hryvnia depreciation.
In the following months statistics leveled due to the increase of tourists from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Poland and the UK. The revenues from foreign tourism increased in the third decade by 8,1%. Soft Czech koruna contributed to inrush of tourists from Western Europe.
It bears reminding that the number of foreign tourists in the Czech Republic last year was 8,126,000 people. It is more than in 2013 by 3.5%. The Russians, same as before, are the second highest number of foreign tourists visiting the Czech Republic. But last year this amount of tourists ran to 695,4 thousand, that is less by 13.4% (or 108 thousand people).
Source: Ekonom